20 Grand Kelso
Originated from Johnny Jumper this kelso line, it was said that the 20Grand was coined because a cocker offer to buy a cock that win impressively but was not sold so the 20Grand name stick to this line.
Light red in color with small head, eyes are orange to red color, medium high to high station.
The 20grand kelso was acquired from Johnny Jumper in 1997 by Kenneth Hagerman. This 20grand kelso is being use to cross with the Hagerman possum with great success. From 1997 up to this year 2025 Kenneth Hagerman still maintain this 20grand kelso, we acquired 2 trios from Kenneth to be propagated and cross with our Hagerman sweaters and other lines.
Characteristic:With good fighting ability like multiple shuffling and high flying this kelso proved to be a force to recon with. Can be fought pure or crossed with other bloodline, the versatility of this bloodline to blend well with other lines has made them a must in every gamefarm.
Their cutting ability is 2nd to none with unquenchable gameness.
Feather Color: Red and Light red , hackle have some black color in the tip which is very distinctive Comb: Peacomb Leg Color: Yellow legOriginated from Johnny Jumper this kelso line, it was said that the 20Grand was coined because a cocker offer to buy a cock that win impressively but was not sold so the 20Grand name stick to this line.