Gary Gilliam Roundhead
Acquired in 2012 by my Kumpareng Rico Nabong when he went to USA to buy some quality breeding materials. Accompanied by CHuck Berry thy went to Gary Gilliam farm to choose some of his breeding materials.
Regular red to light red in color, a big head which similarly looking like asil were it is to believed they originated. Good cutting ability and smart fighter that evade his opponent. Break high and always like to top his opponent to deliver his deadly blow.
Gary Gilliam has originated his roundhead which believed to have infusion of whitehackle to improved their gameness. Gary has won alot of numerous derbies using his roundhead cross with his hatch.
Characteristic:Regular red to light red, white and yellow legs sometimes they throw straightcomb and spangle which believe to be the influence of the whithackle blood that he infuse to his roundhead.
Feather Color: Red to light red Comb: Peacomb and Straight comb Leg Color: White and yellowAcquired in 2012 by my Kumpareng Rico Nabong when he went to USA to buy some quality breeding materials. Accompanied by CHuck Berry thy went to Gary Gilliam farm to choose some of his breeding materials.